Friday, September 24, 2010

These days are just packed...

...the time is flyyyyyyying. I can't believe it's already the weekend again. To give you a quick recap of last weekend...

Thursday night Flavio, Jessica, and I went to a bar near the river to watch Matias's band play some alternative rock. They were fantastic :) After there was a DJ who played fun club music and man can these Argentine boys dance! We made friends with two Argentine guys earlier and so danced with them. I love being twirlled around and acting like I know how to do these dance and they're quite sexy which makes 'em even more fun ;) As we were leaving to find Matias, because he'd offered to drive us home, another guy we'd met earlier grabbed me and we started dancing as well. When I went to go though he was like, do you have a boyfriend? I said yes, and he was like "but I love you, I want to kiss you." Ahaha boys will be boys.

Friday I had to go to schooool. Because here, if a class is cancelled, you make it up on Friday. Lame, I know and you better believe that only two of us showed up haha. Afterwards I found Greg waiting outside for me and we went to a park read, picked up some peanut butter for Barrio Chino, and other food stuffs to make dinner. We also rented the movie Amelie since I haven't seen it. Nice relaxed night of good food and the movie.

In the morning we made french toast and then we went to the MALBA (a museum but I've forgotten what all the letters stand for) to see an Argentine indie flick, Plan B. Very interesting movie that touched on homosexuality.

Sunday was all homework all the time!

And now I feel more caught up :) Yesterday I went out to the cemetary in Recoleta where Evita Peron is supposed to be burried, never found it though...and then today Kelsey and I did hw in a cafe and checked out some kick as book stores :)))))))))) I love books! I want to bring them all home with me!

Besos! Chau!

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