Sunday, September 5, 2010

The good life...

...last weekend began Thursday when I had Sebastian, Hannah, Lizzie, and Tim over for dinner. I made lasagna! Little did I know though that Inez also had plans to have Juan, Juan's pals from Brazil, Maria, Monse, Greg, etc over for burgers as well. FULL HOUSE needless to say! After dinner it was time to club it up...Kika I believe was the boliche we went to and there was an Argentine band playing when we first got there. It was rad listening to everyone sing along because I guess they're a band that used to be popular a while ago. We only got to hear the last few songs because it was already 3 AM when we got there. The dj played 80's rock the rest of the night and we were there pretty much until it closedddd! When we got outside Greg and I took off skipping down the road and had a jolly time on our way to a bus stop. By the time we were on the bus we'd lost quite a few people...we were now Sebastian, Maria, Inez, me, Greg, and Juan. Went back to my apt as the sun was rising. Greg and I went in search of food and got some yummy pastries at a bakery near by.

Got to bed that night (or I guess I should say morning) around 8:30 AM. Kelsey woke me up around 1:30PM to go on a run. We met up with two other boys from the team at the school. Yikes I was hurtin but it was kind of nice to be out at the park in the fresh air. We got home, showered up, and picked up some things for the international night at school. Earlier in the week we'd asked if it would be alright to have a California stand because there're so many kids from the US. They were totally down for it so we had Lizzie make guac. and bring these corona type beers. Raquel brought a bottle of wine to represent Napa, Kelsey and I made posters, and I think that about did it. Haha a little scant I know but we're poor college kids ya dig? The kids from Denmark went ALL OUT. It was too cool. So basically there was a ton of food to sample and BOOZE. People were taking vodka shots at the Swedish table, Spain made sangria, Germany had beers, and the list goes on. It was the craziest thing to be drinking at a school function. There was a sweet tango performance by some of the kids in the class and then the dj kept playing club-esk music so it pretty much turned into a club after that. I did some dancing but mostly sat at our stand because I was SOOO tired. But that worked out alright because people would come up and be like "oh my gosh California!" and start telling me how they'd been there before or ask me questions about it. I made lots of friends that way haha...oh but one not so cool seemed like all the Argentine's who came were just looking to get hammered off of all the foreigners booze. They'd come up, ask if we had any alcohol, and once we told them we'd run out they'd leave. I had a guy ask if we had anymore of the beer I was drinking and when I said no he asked if he could have mine and then proceeded to take it. It was just kind of weird/lame. Afterwards a bunch of people were going out but I was like, hey it's 11 PM I've already drank my fill, danced to some cool tunes, and met nifty people....I'm going to BED.
Laid low Saturday because I was so freaking beat.

Sunday night Jessica invited me and Kelsey to go to dinner at this Argentine guys house. Hit name was Matis and he picked us up at our apartment along with a guy from New York. We drove to his town which was a little past Escobar and Pilar and so about 30 minutes from the city. His house was GORGEOUS. He lives with his folks, just remember that's wayyy normal here, with his twin brother and I believe they're both mid-twenties. Their mom was super nice and we didn't get to meet dad because he was out of town. Mom and Matis are both in a catering type business so Matis walks us to the back of the house and there is a huge restaurant style kitchen! There was a guy from Spain, and two other Argentine guys as well. We started cooking and it was seriously one of the best nights I've had here. We were laughing, listening to music, drinking wine, talking spanglish, and slicing vegetables :) This dinner was absolutely amazing...steak, squash, and bread. After, we played a word game and around midnight had Matis take us back home.

This last week was a good one at school. Had a presentation in History on the Mexican revolution! It went swimmingly, I had Greg and Lizzie for partners so I expected nothing less. Our prof is so encouraging and I think he was thoroughly impressed with us :)

Thursday Lizzie wanted me to come out to an "American" bar with her to watch college football! It was raining as I walked there from the subte stop but it was still a lovely walk...when I got there Hannah was there as well and Lizzie was at the bar ordering drinks. It was "all you can drink" for the ladies until midnight for a 20 peso cover! Miles met up with us but we were pretty bummed because they didn't have the channel for the game and Lizzie had even called to check that they were but they liedddd. Either way we drank it up, ran into some kids from Belgrano, one guy named Yiper from Denmark hung out at our table with us. Then Kelsey came and finally Greg. I went out to wait with him but the line was so long we just decided to kill time until the others were ready to go to a club. We went walking down the street, keep in mind it was still raining pretty good, but it was grand. I guess we were gone about an hour because Lizzie called asking where we were. I went back in while Greg waited outside because while the line had gone down we decided him paying the cover to get in wasn't worth it because we'd be leaving soon. Anyway, when I got in there were these two older Argentine men sitting at our table flirting with the girls. They were nice enough and when we were ready to rock I went outside with them because they were going to club with us. It took a while but we finally wrangled everyone up and started heading towards the club. Hannah comes out of the bar though and she's drunk. Kelsey, Miles, and Lizzie hop in a cab so Yiper, Greg and I are left with Hannah whose stumbling and rattling on and on in Spanish. We decide we're going to walk to the club but by the time we get there I'm so cold and tired I just want to be home. We end up stuffing her into a cab, Yiper had taken off a while ago, and so Greg and I catch a bus because our apartments are both off Cabildo.

Friday I decide I'm staying innnn. Greg texts me to ask what I'm up to and I tell him he's welcome to join me. He brings his laptop over and we watch MOULIN ROUGE :))) I can't get it to work on my laptop so I was absolutely thrilled! It was his first time watching it and he dug it (how could anyone not?!). I then made us some veggie burgers and we chatted while eating those until about 2AM until I decide I'm tired and kick him out. Oh and by the way our elevator broke that day so we've been having to walk up and down 12 flights of stair this past weekend. And people can't leave the apartments here without keys to the door downstairs that lets you out... I did some hw for a bit and then hopped on facebook for a bit and he and I start talking on the chat thing and decide to meet back up! Haha it's about 4:30AM and we start walking towards eachother. We find eachother and then start walking in random directions singing and dancing the tango in the middle of the streets. It was so fun wandering around the streets, I'm a little weary of going off on my own for obvious reasons so I don't do it as often as I'd like. We would have liked to have gotten lost but we recognized most of the streets that we'd pass just because they're so long and whatnot. At around 6 or 7AM we find this HUGE tree in the middle of the streets and lay under it while it sprinkled on us and the sun attempted to light up the overcast day. After a bit we make it back to my apartment, drink hot chocolate, and at around 8:30 we crash. Get back up and David, Kelsey, and Greg were chillin in the living room. Greg and I eat some spanish frosted flakes, by the way, down here it's Tigre Tono (imagine a squigley over the n) haha. David and Kels take off but we've decided to meet up with them later at Plaza de Mayo to take some pictures of buildings we need to write about for Art class. We got down there around 5 so it was getting dark but David and Kels were so hungry they'd ordered food at the restaurant we met up with them at. So Greg and I took off to get the pics before the sun set. I love the area because it's so busy and it's where the obelisco is. We watched the gaurd outside of Casa Rosada take the flag down which was super cool. Met back up with Kels and David, and while they went to the apartment Kels rented for David, Greg and I stopped at a supermarket to pick up some food for dinner and a bottle of wine. It was a superb dinner of veggies over rice and he's into jazz and old music so that played in the backround, which made me feel like I was in a black and white movie haha. This morning we went to a cafe and I had one of the best breakfasts I've had here so far. We ordered cafe con leche and some medialunas. Guy comes out with our coffees, orange juice, water and three medialunes each! Yummmmmmmm. Since I got home around noon I've been doing hw and now we're all caught up!

ohhh and I believe that I have been spelling the Argentine "ciao" the wrong way, that's the Italian spelling obviously but here it's "chau" lol so from now on I'll be doin' that the correct way! Startingggg now! Chau :)

PS. Hope all and everything is well with all of you! I owe a happy birthday to Grandpa :) congrats on the new job Aunt Deb, Kellie I think of you often, hoping that school is going spectacularly. Nana, Papa, mom and dad I continue to be greatful of your support in making this all come true for me. I love you alllllllllll

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