Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cemetaries, wine festivals, Jesus Theme parks, Jazz in the subway...

...these are a few of my favorite things.

After realizing I haven't been to an important/famous cemetary I decided to hit it up on Thursday after class. Got on the subte and with a bit of walking, arrived at Cemetario de Recoleta. I had never seen anything like this. Because Bs. As. is so flat, they decided to bury these people (mostly the rich and famous of Argentina) above ground so as not to soil their water. It was HUGE and there were so many, many mausoleums I gave myself 15 minutes before they closed to locate an exit. Sort of creepy...looking in, seeing a coffin, and knowing that a body was in there. But the mausoleums were beautiful as you can see from my pictures. Some were huge and elaborate with plaques and statues that had me admiring for a bit, while others I couldn't even find the name of the person resting inside. Bummer that I didn't find Evita. I did however find a ton of cats, I've gotten several theories on their pressence but I really don't know for sure. There was food and water out for them so that's what kind of struck me as odd...anyway, there were a lot of cats but not too many humans. It was nice though, I could wander about by myself and not be bothered by too many other tourists.

Got home from the cemetary and that night Nikko (Matias's brother) picked Kelsey, Jessica, and I up to have dinner at their house. The girls had bought food while I was out and this time we cooked for them :) We cooked squash, potatoes, and SALMON. I believe most of you know how I feel about seafood: I dislike. But, not wanting to be difficult and mildly convinced it was all in my head, I gave it a go and actually enjoyed it! yay. The food was superb, the boys thoroughly enjoyed it, and it was a fantastic night.

Friday I wanted to go to Avenida Corrientes because there're supposed to be tons upon tons upon tons of cool intellectual, artsy bookstores (and there were). Kelsey wanted me to come with her to check out an apartment for her mom when she comes to visit so we did that first. We got to Av. Corrientes and I was specifically looking for a cafe and bookstore I found in my touristy Arg. book (thanks Aunt Debbie and Kellie again for that) that were right next to each other and were supposed to be especially cool. We think we found the bookstore but the cafe was no where to be seen. Not to worry though, we'd brought some of our readings for our classes and just went into the first cafe we thought looked cool and drank cafe con leche while doing some hw. It was WONDERFUL :) We're both in the LA and US relations class and so Kelsey and I had some good discussions on some of our readings and what not. On our way home we stopped into some of the bookstores and that is where I found my treasures! The first book I found was a used, ancient poetry book from Bs. As. and as I was flipping through it I found a pressed flower!! I don't know about you, but that made me fall in love with it. The next one I got was, La idea de paz y el pacifismo (the idea of the peace and pacifism) and the third, El Delfin (the dolphin) which I'm having a hard time thinking how to explain the synopsis on the back but take my word for it, it looks rad. That night Kelsey, Jessica and I watched Moulin Rouge on Kelsey's laptop!!!

ok so I didn't get to the wine fest., theme park, or jazz but I am le tired ;)

Film festival tomorrow, tango Tuesday, Wednesday big dinner at our house, and I am going to cook up something for Thursday after I'm done here...

chau chau!

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