Friday, September 24, 2010

So about them kids...

Two saturday's ago was the Juegoteca. Basically you go and play/hang out with kids in crapy parts of the outer cities around Bs. As. Greg and I met up at my apartment, took a bus to one destination and awaited Bestsabe and Jenna to take another bus. This second one was an hour long and we chatted the whole way there, well, more Greg, Jenna, and Bestsabe...I don't know why I don't sometimes jump on these opportunities to practice speaking. I mean I'm always improving my comprehension skills and what not but ya... anyway. We get there and I notice this big billboard type thing that basically said "here too we are growing" and it was a message from the government and I'm still not super sure how the people feel about politics and what not but after seeing the neighborhoods we worked in I wondered if the people think these messages are jokes. We walked for about ten minutes to a building where that Un Techo Para Mi Pais uses and began to paint on some boxes. That day we were going to go through the streets with painted boxes like we were a train and each a part of the train! Super cute right?! After hanging out there for about an hour the kids came. One girl was super talkitive, others were kind of shy but they were all real cool kids. There were about twenty in all I'd say. We went out to this patio in the back and then rounded up the boxes to put them on with string and walk about!!! I have never seen poverty like this. Some of these houses were just big planks of wood set up as walls with a blanket over the doorway and no glass in the squares cut out for windows. I don't really know how to describe it all but it was crazy. And the kids could talk so casually about attrocious things. One girl said she had to change schools because little girls were getting their eyes stabbed? Another girl said that sometimes vans would come around at night and kidnap children. Ugh, just made me super bummed to hear all of that. I'll never understand why people hurt others, but especially children. It was nice to offer these kids something fun to do, kind of take their minds off of those things and just be kids. I'm glad UTPMP does this.

That night I went to my friend Sarah's birthday party on her rooftop terrace. It was super fun but I was so exhausted from the day that I called it an early night and hit the sack.

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