Saturday, August 28, 2010

Part V

and hopefully this will be the last of the catching up!

So that all was last weekend but the weekend before that went a little something like this....

Friday we got into Crobar fo' free again. Nice to have friends in high places right? Only this time we got there early to enjoy some appetizers, two for one beers, and pizza! We didn't know this last time but ya, they have tables and lounge type couches set up and you can eat before they clear the space for dancing an hour or so later. I made some new friends that night. Miles from Boston I wanna say, Thomas from Canada, and then some more European girls that I didn't have enough interaction with to remember their names. We also included Sarah, Oscar, Kelsey, and possibly more but I can't recall. Jessica stayed home because she wasn't feeling well, that'll come back into the story later. It was a kick as night but by the end of it I was a little tired of the groping, flashing lights and too loud music.

Saturday I don't wake up till around 2 PM and while I'm eating breakfast Kelsey tells me that Jessica went to the hospital. I text Ines who had gone down there to bring Jessica her credit card and she told me they were waiting to operate!!! Kelsey and I run down there with some of her things and some flowers to what in the world was going on. We went to the Hospital Aleman, (German Hospital) which was private and apparently she had appendicitis! We spent quite a long time getting all of the insurance stuff figured out and while Jessica is pretty good with Spanish it was still nice to have Ines and Maria there to help out. Kelsey and I stayed until she got carted off to surgery and I decided I needed a drink. Maria was having people over at her house, well I thought just the Argentine boys, but there ended up being like 20 people. My friend Miles came over to my house to meet up with me and Ines and Juan were home to so we all caught a bus there. They made sangria and I drank the stress and fear of the day away...

Sunday evening Kelsey and I met up with a boy from Washington but who goes to UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Synnove, Miles and a few European girls. We went to a really chill bar and I had my first cosmopalitan. The waiter started speaking to us in English when we were having some issues with Spanish and Kelsey asked how he'd learned English. He said by reading and watching TV. That felt encouraging because I've been doing so much reading in Spanish for my classes and then even if I watch TV in English I still watch the subtitles to see how something would be said in Spanish...but anyway. The group wanted to go to a club after but I was tired and caught a cab home.

Alright, MUCH better. I've found that writing on the blog is helping me remember what I've been up to. I didn't like the feeling of forgetting what I had done just a few weekends ago!

It's Saturday night and I am NOT going out. I can't do it. I'm exhausted. I like to think I'm a wild child that can keep up with the best of them but it looks like this town is kicking my ass. I'm also just barely keeping up with my hw so if I sleep another day away I'm going to set myself back again. Speaking of hw...back to work!

Oh but don't think I don't already have stories for you from this weekend. They'll just have to wait till tomorrow or sometime soon.

Ciao Ciao

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