Monday, August 23, 2010

Part I

Haha yes, I'll have to do this in parts because I could not possibly dish up everything that's happened in the past weekish in one go!

Ah but I'm having a hard time remembering all I've done!!! Ok let's start with what I do and then hopefully it'll come back to me as we go...

Went to a tango bar/class thing last Tuesday! It was in this big building about 20 minute subte ride from our was dark inside except for the middle where people learn to dance the tango! We met up with some girls from various European countries, I have a hard time keeping track of them all, that were friends of friends of ours. They're super fun and when we first got there the advanced class was dancing in the middle still and on the sides were a mix of chairs and sofas to watch, while in the back were tables to have dinner. There were TONS of cool pictures and such on the walls and if my camera had been functioning I would have shared some with you. It nearly drown in my bag when my salad leaked it's dressing :( I can still take pictures just have to do it the old fashioned way, looking through the lense thing...anyway, so as usual things were running a bit late which was fine because Kelsey and I were too. When they called the beginners into the middle there were probably thirty of us and a fairly even number of boys and girls. They had us make a big circle around the outside and inside were the guy and girl teaching us. We started out by stretching our necks and shoulders and etc and then they showed us some basic moves which we did while moving in a circle. Next we had to pair up on our own. A guy I was standing next to asked to dance, I of course accepted, and off we went once the music started. The guy should NOT have been in the beginner class but we were having issues communicating, for one thing I was kind of intimidated, he totally knew what he was doing and I totally did not! He was patient enough but I wasn't too bummed when we switched partners and I found someone more on my level. This guy was super nice and I felt much more comfortable making an ass out of myself with him haha. But they would basically show us some moves and then have us practice them and overall it was a blast :) We were there for about two hours but if we had wanted to we could have stayed longer. I think we're going back tomorrow!

Wednesday Sebastian came over to hang out and help with my homework. For my Spanish class one of our assingments was to fill in answers to famous Argentine things like tennis players, folklore singers, etc but I just handed the paper to him and had him fill them out haha. Hey...I would have just spent time milling around on the internet for them anyway and I totally got to show off today when we went over them in class.

Thrusday...ah! Yes, there was a party at Maria's but I opted to have Hannah and Lizzie over before the three of us + Kelsey went over to her German friend Peter's house for a fiesta there. The girls brought over booze...Lizzie, a 6 peso gin and a 6 peso bottle of soda water. Yes that's right folks 12 pesos total, THREE US DOLLARS and the four of us could have had a good night all on our own. I never want to go back to the US just for that reason alone. Anddd the fact that I can go to a tango bar and learn how to dance on a Tuesday night... but enough bragging... Then Hannah brought some soda called "la bichy ahora" and yes it's exactly what you think it is ahaha. We got a kick out of that one and I'll be sure to put some pictures up! Oh but the party...When we got there Falk (spl?) a guy from Germany and Maurice or something, guy from Argentina, (both we had met before on another occasion) were coming up to the door as well and when Peter came and got us he said that the neighbors had complained so the party had been moved to another location. We got to the other location, a VERY nice apartment, and there were probably ten German's there. So that was interesting but a blasty blast of course. Called it an early night and while they went off to a club at 3 AM I caught a bus home.

Ok I know I'm on a role with this remembering business but I really should get to bed or back to this essay! Decisions decisions!

Ciao :)

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