Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Taking a closer look

Now that I have no school and a few weeks left in the city I have decided to explore it further. Every day I am learning new things about Bs As and of more places to visit.

So Saturday (the 13th) morning, the day after I got back from Uruguay, I got up early to go for a run and get the day started before I got the chance to sleep it away. I ran by Plaza Italia as usual and had intended to go by Barrio Chino to pick up some peanut butter but the store I knew I'd find some was closed at 8 when I ran by it. The store by my house was open though so I stopped in to grab some food for breakfast. I took care of some stuff at home and then headed out for Puerto Madero. I had finally figured out how to get there when Lizzie and I drove past it on our way home from the boat. It's behind the Casa Rosada so I hopped on the subte and rode it all the way down to the last stop and walked towards that landmark. From there I wasn't too sure where to go but I could see the white point that shoots up into the sky from the bridge and so headed towards that. It's a really nice area. It's by the river, there are lots of trendy looking restaurants, and walkways along both sides. Jessica would later tell me the barrio is only 20 years old, which is pretty young for a neighborhood in Bs As. I walked across the bridge, which was made of wood and has a this long white point that comes up at an angle, as I previously mentioned, and long lines of wire coming down from it. At night it's lit up so I plan on taking mom to see it then. There's also an ecological reserve near that I want to check out. I sat down on a grassy area under a tree and read one of my books. The weather was gorgeous, not too hot but I still got a bit burnt when the sun found me under the tree. Don't worry mom, I'm putting on sun screne now every time I go out...well, at least on my face :) After a few hours I got up to go pick up the laundry I had turned in early in the day. Made my self some rice and veggies and chilled on the couch. Ines was going out but I was really tired so called it a night.

Jessica had come home Saturday night and wanted to go on my morning run with me so off we went Sunday morning. We went straight at a point where we normally turn because she said there was another park down that way and it would take us a different route home. It was beautiful. To the left was the park, and since it was early there weren't too many people out, and to the right was the street. The trail was lined with trees so it was nice to run in some shade since the day was already heating up. Then we ran by the stadium where I went to the Argentina/Spain game which is literally down the street from our apartment.

Then we went to the appartment that Lizzie is now renting with her family while they are here visiting, for brunch! It consisted of yummy pancakes, eggs, and mimosas. We then left the house after cleaning up the kitchen for the tour of the Casa Rosada and then shopping at the San Telmo market. It was cool to see the inside of the Casa Rosada, since it's their bicentenario here (they're celebrating Agentina's 200 year birthday/anniversary), there was this one room with all pictures of important women figures in Argentine history.

Monday Jessica and I went out in search of a park we had read about in a magazine article. It was supposed to have 3 towers that made music when wind passed through them. We took the train to St. Vicente because the only directions we had were "St. Vicente and the river." We couldn't find it and because we were waiting for Matias to meet up with us, we plopped down under some strange tower things to have a reference poin to give him. After reading and napping for a bit the weather started to turn gnarly and Matias was in a way different place than we were so we met up with him at the train station to give us a ride to our house. The three of us drank mate and Matias helped Jessica study for her upcoming final. Jess still has finals because her classes were with Argentines and their finals are spread out over a month.

Tuesday was dinner with the Italians. Some of our Italian friends: Arriana, Arriana's best friend who's visiting, Flavio, Giatano, etc had been away on trips and were only going to be back in the capital for another few days before they took off for either more trips or home to Italy. The dinner was held at Chori & Wine, the place we had eaten dinner after the Wine bodega a few months ago. Jessica and I arrived and there was already a full table of ten people, some from the university, others friends of people from the uni. It was a pretty tasty meal of meat and wine. For dessert: chocolate mousse :) Afterwards people wanted to go out dancing but I was feeling funny and wanted to go home. I walked to the bus stop around 2 AM on a Tuesday so of course I had to wait over half an hour for the colectivo. While waiting a woman around 30 came up to wait for the same bus. We started talking and she was super nice but seemed very concerned that I was out by myself. Eventually the bus did come and I got my ass into bed after arriving home.

Wednesday we went running with the group around the Palermo lakes as usual. I hadn't thought that the running team would be still going on but it is, because not everyone has left! At night we went over to Arriana and Flavio's appartment because Jessica and I wanted to dancin'. We arrive and Arriana's got the place covered in clothes and all of the things she is trying to pack. She's going backpacking and so we helped her decide what to take because she was running out or room and strength the carry all the crap she'd already put in there. We made some drinks and more and more people showed up but no one seemed to know where we were going or what we were doing soooo Jess and I ended up going home...with all of the left over food Arriana wasn't going to be able to eat by the time she left. Steallll :)

Thursday I attmepted to find another of the parks mentioned in the magazine article. Ended up near Ave. Libertador and while I didn't encountered that specific park, I still found a comfortable tree to plant myself under. I read, doodled in my notebook, snacked, and people watched. I changed my location a few times and started walking towards other parks I could see in the distance. Ended up walking past the flower near UBA (Universidad de Bs As). There is this giant silver, steal flower that was given as a gift by a French guy, I wanna say. What's cool about it is that it acts like a real flower, opening in the day and closing at night. As I said, it's next to the UBA which gigante and I enjoyed walking by and marveling at it. Being near this I knew that the Museo de Bellas Artes was across the street. If you recall I've already been there for an art project but when Kelsey and I went we really only looked at the things we needed for the class. This time I checked out the other painting they had. I love art! It was all so rad. After an hour or so in the museum I went out to the park at its side and continued reading. Agustin and Nico text me while I was there, trying to get organized for another trip to Carilo. There was talk of heading out that night instead of Friday so I figured I should get pack home to pack. Turns out we didn't leave that night and the plan was to take off on Friday but no one wanted to tell us a time so I had no idea when to get up.

Friday morning and still no one has told us anything, longgg story short we didn't go. Studied some spanish and went for a run, and that was pretty much the extent of my day.

Satruday went to the ecological reserve with Jessica! We didn't take off till around 5 and the reserve closes at 7PM so we knew we'd only really get to poke around a bit, but we were just glad to get ourselves out of the house. I have collected quite a few books and have taken to spending long periods of time lounging around the house reading, which is cool but can make me stir crazy by the end of the day. It was a beautiful, warm day and when we found the reserve we had just enough time to walk one section of it. Geee it's beautiful there! So nice to be surrounded by nature rather than concrete. After, we walked back towards Puerto Madero and sat on some grass and chilled. We were both hungry while walking by all the restaurants so decided to stop in somewhere to have dinner. Ended up at this gaucho/meat place. Luckily there were vegetables to go with my giant serving of meat because I can't eat it anymore. I just don't enjoy it anymore and it kinda grosses me out now. Back to being a vegetarian :) Earlier we had asked if Brad and Nico wanted to grab some beers at Plaza Serrano since none of us were going to Carilo and met up with them around 11. We had some cold beer on a nice warm night. Anddd a shot of tequila haha. Next stop a boliche (club) Las Terracas. The place was huge and way cool. You could dance inside or out and it was right on the river so of course we spent most of our time outside! Long fun night of dancin' and we ran into quite a few of our friends. Got in around 6:30AM.

Sunday recovered (the 21st).

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