Friday, November 5, 2010

The end of an era

So last week was basically studying for finals and what not.

Last friday however I deemed the only night I would go out since I had much studying to do. Sooo Lizzie and I went to a concert of El Cuarteto de Nos. Their from Uruguay I believe. I recommend you give them a listen, "Yo no se que hacer conmigo." It was rad. In this building I'm assuming is often a night club or maybe just does a lot of concerts. There were a ton of people and as usual, mass amounts of Argentines makes for a very passionate atmosphere :) After the concert I had told Agustin I would call him. So I did. He and the boys were at his apartment drinking and he invited me over. Lizzie was too tired to come, we said goodbye at the bus stop. Got on over to Agustin's and he, Nacho, and Duilio (one of the guys I met from Carilo who was hangning out with them in Bs As because he normally lives in Rosario) were munching on empanadas. Agus opened one of his birthday bottles of wine and we had some glasses of that. Yummy. Then 3 of Nachos friends came over, two of the guys had awesome curly-haired afros going on, the other guys hair was just plain wild. Then 3 more. So there ended up being about ten of us just chillin' and drinking. The boys were having a mini playstation football match going on which was entertaining. I made an attempt, it went alright. Then all at once everyone got up to take off (to what I thought was a house party but really we were going to a club). I hopped in a cab with Agus and one of Nacho's friends, forget his name though...At the door the bouncer guy was asking about documentos (like ID's or whatever) but because we left in such a rush I didn't grab anything and Agus was like she's from California and this other guy is from Rosario, and I don't know but somehow we ended up inside. Fo' free. We got in and it was actually a costume/Halloween themed deal which was cool. Nico and Brad were there so it was cool meeting up with them. We dancedddddddddd. Haha I had the 9 boys around all night so I was rarely without a dance partner. But because there were so many of us I didn't really notice as the club started to empty but I did one point look towards the growing gaps in the crowd to notice that there was light outside. I don't know exactly what time we were there till, but it had to have been at least 6 or 7. We all stumbled blindly into the light outside, kind of literally... Nacho was rough housing with me a bit and I was so tired we fell over eachother. Grabbed some cabs and returned to Agus's. He threw down a mattres for me and I crashed. However the red wine wouldn't let me sleep in too long so I ended up draging my ass back home around 12:30PM.

Saturday and Sunday: Study. Which sucked to miss Halloween but, oh well.

Monday: Lit and Spanish final
Tues: Art final
Wed: US LA relations final and then picking up my grades for Span and Lit.
Thurs: Picked up my Art and History grades.
When I say "picked up" my grades I mean that we had this sheet we had to go around to collect our grades. Our professors had to write them down and then once we'd gotten them all, we turned them into our advisors. It was kind of strange and could take a really long time since the profe has to do each student. And I finished my US LA relations final 1PM and came back to get my grade at 4:30PM the same day.

Anyway. STRAIGHT A'S straaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhht A's :)

Oh but Wednesday night Jessica and I went to Matia's and Nico's birthday party and it was a BLAST. Jessica had made them a cake and it was super fun presenting them with it. We were in this abandond bar that's going to be reopened eventually. Matia's introduced me to this very nice guy that night so I got a whole ton of Spanish practice in, which always excites me. The cops came around 1:30AM because, as I've mentioned the building wasn't really open to public yet. So we all hung out, out front for a bit but luckily there was a bar like two doors down so we all just piled in there. Jessica and I had origenally wanted to go out dancing after but by 2:30 we began to get a bit sleepy. We were making our rounds to say goodbye to everyone when some of the German boys, Falk and oh shoot, I forget the other guys name, were like noooo you're not leaving! Sit down we're getting you a speed and vodka. *sigh* so I sat down and drank my speed and vodka lol But it was cool because they were telling me all about Germany and I really, really, really need to take advantage of all the friends I've made in Europe. Finally though at 3:30 Jessica and I took off to a catch a bus home. The whole way home we were lamenting over having to leave this wonderful city with it's wonderful people and all of our wonderful friends. Many people are leaving this week for other trips they have planned and it's going to be very difficult to say goodbye.
I still have about a month here but things are very much coming to an end already, it feels like. The end of a very, very wonderful era. I'll be sad to see it go...

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