Saturday, July 24, 2010

5 AM

Yes, that would be the time I finally laid my head down on my pillow.

Jessica's friend, Oscar, from Denmark was having a party at his house so the four of us went over there. We picked up some Quilmes and a bottle of wine for them as a house warming present before we hopped on the Subte over to there house. Even though we were two hours late we were still the first to arrive. Followed by a girl from Denmark, guy from Mexico (Oscar's roommate, Mau, is from Mexico), and then 5 more Mexicans showed up. We just sat around drinking and talking but it was so much fun. There were so many different languages going on sometimes I liked to sit back and listen to it all. It was also interesting swapping stories on how things work in our countries, Oscar and I talked quite a bit about politics haha

We were at their house until about 12:30 before people started suggesting we go to a club. This guy from Maine, oh ya...a guy from Maine and his friend from Germany came too, looked up a club and we ran down stairs to get some cabs. It took three to transport us all down there. And by this time we were down to Ines, Jessica, and me because Kelsey went to meet some of her friends.

The club was everything I imagine a rave would be. Flashing lights, loud booming music, and everyone just kinda bobbing around. The charge to get in covered unlimited drinks so that was cool but I only had one becuase we'd already drank so much at the apartment. Now it was Ines and I because Jessica and the guy from Maine wanted to go off on their own, I'm so glad there're four of us for times like these.

Oh I had the first guy proffess his love to me but I felt cheated because it was Antonio, one of the Mexican guys, so not even an Argentinean! haha maybe I won't count it.

Either way, we didn't get home till about 4:45 and if you can believe it we beat Jessica and Kelsey home. Coming home that late I felt like a true Argentinean haha

Side note: If you were thinking about travelling to Europe, don't. They don't have Goldfish crackers or Gatorade. Ines actually put up pictures on her Flicker (?) of me eating them she was so facinated!



  1. Hi Bug!
    It is wonderful to read all of your adventures. It seems you have made some great friends. I have to say I probably would have ventured to the clubs faster than you did so I would be a hypocrite to say don't go but as your Dad I have to say be careful, otherwise enjoy! Keep writing we are loving it!
    Hugs and Kisses

  2. Oh- There will be school eventually, right?

  3. LOVE YOUR side note!! soo funny! I miss you CHELS!!
